We Need Your Help

Help us Help Rescues

“Helping one homeless pet might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for one homeless pet.”

Your donations make vital veterinary services accessible to rescue organizations that often work with very limited budgets. With your support, we can sustain our low-cost model, invest in new equipment, expand our services, and ensure that more rescue dogs and cats receive the medical care they need to survive and find their forever home.

Thank you for your support!

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mama dog and puppy

Physical Donations Needed

Physical donations are made available free of charge to our rescue and foster partners. (*Our space to house donations is limited, so if you are planning to drop off physical donations, please call us ahead of time to confirm that we can accept your donations.*) Items we accept include:

  • Gently used towels and blankets (please, no pillows, mattress covers/fitted sheets, or blankets with stuffing)
  • Gently used dog beds
  • Dog and cat food (unopened)
  • Cat litter
  • Leashes/collars

Physical donations can be brought in or mailed to us at: 2141 Ten-Ten Rd, Apex, NC 27539

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