Spay & Neuter Services for
Feral Cats
(TNR Program)
At our clinic, we understand the importance of managing feral cat populations humanely and effectively. That’s why we are proud to offer discounted spay and neuter services specifically for feral cats as part of a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program. TNR is a widely recognized and humane approach to controlling feral cat populations. This process involves trapping, neutering (or spaying), vaccinating, ear-tipping for identification, and then safely releasing the cats back into their environment.
Who Can Benefit from Our TNR Services?
We offer this service at a reduced rate for:
- Registered 501(c)(3) Rescue Groups: Rescue organizations that are under our care can benefit from our TNR program at the same rate as Operation Catnip.
- Individuals Assisting Feral Cats in Their Community: We also accept individuals who want to help manage feral cat populations in their local area. However, they must provide proof of a voucher from either the FWCAC Kitty Clip Program or Operation Catnip to qualify for our services, which can be found here.
If you plan to bring us a feral cat with the Operation Catnip voucher, please give us a call and we can set up an appointment for you. Kitty clip voucher holders can set up an appointment through our online booking system here.
Pricing for Feral Cat TNR Program:
For rescue groups and individuals who have a valid voucher from Operation Catnip, our rate is $70.00. This price includes:
- Spay or neuter surgery
- Rabies vaccination
- FVRCP vaccination
- Ear-tipping for identification as part of the TNR program

Important Guidelines for Bringing in Feral Cats:
When bringing in feral cat(s), be sure they are in a proper cat trap, or else we will NOT accept the cats for their surgeries. No carriers or crates. They need to be in a certified cat trap in order for us to accept them as a feral and do their spays or neuters.
Bringing feral cats not in a trap poses a risk to our employees, because feral cats do not have vaccines and are normally fearful and/or aggressive towards humans.